Reims, the Palais du Tau and the Trésor de Notre-Dame : Champagne-Ardenne - Patrick Demouy

Reims, the Palais du Tau and the Trésor de Notre-Dame : Champagne-Ardenne

Patrick Demouy

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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Rebuilt on several occasions, the latest being after a fire caused by the bombings of 1914, the Palais du Tau is the former residence of the archbishops of Reims. While wandering through the lower hall, palatine chapel, Salle du Tau, Salle Charles X, Musée de la Cathédrale, and the treasury, you will discover rich lapidary collections and works of art that evoke the history of the palace as well as that of Reims Cathedral. Since the 5th century, when Clovis was baptised by Saint Remigius, Reims has played an important role in the history of France. The coronation ceremonies of the kings of France took place in the two monuments. The cathedral's statuary, taken down and kept in the museum, and the plate and tapestries, kept in the treasury, are reminders of past splendour.

The « Itinéraires » series, designed as a guide for cultural tourism, invites the visitor to discover the highroads and byways of France's national heritage.


Reconstruit à maintes reprises, la dernière fois après son incendie lors des bombardements de 1914, le palais du Tau est l'ancienne résidence des archevêques de Reims. Ce guide propose un parcours de visite : salle basse, chapelle palatine, salle Charles X, musée de la cathédrale (trésor, statuaire, orfèvrerie et tapisserie remémorant les fastes du sacre des rois de France). ©Electre 2024


Patrick Demouy (Auteur)
Date de parution
23 mars 2017
Itinéraires du patrimoine
Architecture, urbanisme
Nombre de pages
47 pages
23.0 cm x 12.0 cm x 0.5 cm
108 g