Arabic manuscripts of the Thousand and one nights : presentation and critical editions of four noteworthy texts, observations on some Osmanli translations

Arabic manuscripts of the Thousand and one nights : presentation and critical editions of four noteworthy texts, observations on some Osmanli translations

Espaces et signes | février 2016
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

Arabic manuscripts of the Thousand and One Nights

Presentation and Critical Editions of Four Noteworthy Texts Observations on Some Osmanli Translations

This book contains the first complete list of all known Arabic manuscripts of the Thousand and one Nights as well as a list and tentative classification of the Turkish (Osmanli) manuscripts. The four tales edited are Sûl and Shumûl, one of the oldest tales divided into nights (older, indeed, than the Galland manuscript), Bayâd and Riyâd, which has now been edited using two new sources, The Sleeper Awakened, a perfectly representative tale of « the merchant's son », and Zayd and al-Kahlâ, which is remarkable for its combination of Islam and paganism.

It offers new material and new interpretations (the story of Khurâfa and the syntactic unit astonishing/more astonishing still). It seeks to provide an accessible definition of what Middle Arabic literature is, shining new light on the history of the Nights : analysis of the first two tales has shown that the beginning of the Zotenberg's Egyptian Recension is older than the Syrian branch.

This publication is part of the ANR MSFIMA project : « The Thousand and One Nights : Sources and Functions in Medieval Arabic Islam », directed by A. Chraïbi at Inalco (Centre de Recherches Moyen-Orient Méditerranée, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité).


Les contributeurs déterminent des axes d'interprétation inédits des contes des Mille et une nuits qui permettent d'envisager une nouvelle approche de la littérature arabe populaire du Moyen Age. Ils retracent également l'histoire et la postérité de quatre contes et de leurs diverses traductions, notamment en turc ottoman, ou en osmanli. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
6 février 2016
Recherche et documents
Littérature généralités
Aboubakr Chraïbi (Directeur de publication)
Nombre de pages
575 pages
25.0 cm x 18.0 cm x 3.6 cm
1105 g