Joan Miro : catalogue raisonné, paintings. Vol. 4. 1959-1968 - Jacques Dupin

Joan Miro : catalogue raisonné, paintings. Vol. 4. 1959-1968

Jacques Dupin , Ariane Lelong-Mainaud

Galerie Lelong | juin 2002
161,50 €
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Ce que dit l'éditeur

The research for this catalogue raisonné of paintings began in 1957. The artist himself, and later the Miró estate, were largely involved in its preparation. This catalogue of paintings has been established by Jacques Dupin, Ariane Lelong-Mainaud and Joan Punyet Miró. Volume IV comprehends 336 entries and 244 color reproductions.

It is difficult to characterize the period covered in this volume. The variation in technique, supports and dimensions is enormous and the appearance of unconventional supports frequent. Here we come across cardboard, sack cloth, course canvas, rags retrieved from the garbage. Miró often painted in series and chose to paint on large format canvases, as those we see in the first three monumental triptychs. And lastly, without ever abandoning oil paint, he began to use acrylic.

The edition is published in six volumes appearing at yearly intervals. They will include all the artist's oils, acrylics, and works in various media, on canvas, cardboard, wood, masonite, copper and other hard supports.

In the six volumes - all to be published only in English - all paintings are reproduced in color, whenever possible, accompanied by their title, date, technique, and dimensions, with indication of signature and inscriptions on the back, as well as their collection, provenance, important exhibitions and major publications in which they are reproduced.


Poursuite de la publication de ce catalogue raisonné, commencée en 1957 avec l'aide de l'artiste. Nombre de pièces inconnues ont été ainsi localisées et identifiées. Pour chaque oeuvre exposée : date, techniques et inscriptions, collection d'origine, expositions importantes, principaux livres dans lesquels figurent une reproduction. ©Electre 2024


Date de parution
19 juin 2002
Peinture, gravure
Nombre de pages
269 pages
33.0 cm x 26.0 cm x 3.0 cm
2244 g